The Purpose of Creation![]() IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE COMPASSIONATE, THE MERCIFUL All praise is due to Allah, the Lord and the Cherisher of the Universe. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), his household, companions and the followers of the right guidance till the Day of Judgment. Many people in the world, particularly the atheists, do not know the purpose of creation of the Universe and all that it contains hence they do not believe in Allah. Other people and ideologies/religions have different reasons and explanation for it. In Islam, the purpose of Creation is clearly stated by the Creator Himself, Allah, the Exalted. Many people believe that Allah-the Almighty God is the Creator of the Universe and all that it contains. Those people that disbelieve in this are yet to provide an alternative Creator, they attribute the wonder of Allah in themselves and the universe to nature. Allah, the Exalted, says: "Praise be to Allah Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels messengers with wings two or three or four (Pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things". Q35:1 "Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation) before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?". Q21:30. One of the beauties of the Holy Qur'an is that one does not need the Holy Spirit to understand its meaning, the messages of the Qur'an are clearly presented and they are easy to understand. Allah asks mankind a question: "Did ye then think that We had created you in jest and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?" Q23:115. Allah, the Exalted, then states the purpose of Creation thus: "AND I (ALLAH) CREATED NOT THE JINNS AND HUMANS EXCEPT THAT THEY SHOULD WORSHIP ME (ALONE). I SEEK NOT ANY PROVISION FROM THEM NOR DO I ASK THAT THEY SHOULD FEED ME. VERILY, ALLAH IS THE ALL-PROVIDER, OWNER OF POWER,-THE MOST STRONG." Q51:56-58 "Blessed is He (Allah) in Whose Hand is the dominion, and He is Able to do all things. Who has created Death and Life that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving". Q67:1, 2 "To Him (Allah) will be the return of all of you. The promise of Allah is true and sure. It is He Who begins the process of Creation and repeats it that He may reward with justice those who believe and work righteousness but those who reject Him will have nothing but draughts of boiling fluids and a Penalty grievous: because they did reject Him." Q10:4 JINNS and HUMANS are commanded to worship Allah, but who are the Jinns? This question will be the topic of the next posting. May Allah open our minds for His words and guide us to the straight path. Peace be on you.
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