"The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the serious things) ... Until you visit the grave". (106:1-2) Hassan Al-Basri says piling up wealth referred in the verse means amassing wealth and children...and neither of these benefit one in the hereafter, for the prophet said: "Three things follow a dead man (to the grave) but two return back while one stays with him; his family, wealth, and deeds escort him but only his deeds stay with him". Again A'isha (RA) reported that the prophet (SAW) frequently said: "Even if a man were given two treasures (valleys) of gold he would seek a third. ... And nothing fills his belly (satisfies him) except earth". i.e. he would continue to seek more until he is buried in mother earth. Allah (SWT) has given wealth to
serve as an aide in serving Him with prayers and Zakat, not to distract
from serving Him. Abu Darda'i (RA) once commented about excessiveness of
human desires saying - You build what you will not reside in (i.e. yours is
the grave); you aspire to what you do not really need; you collect
what you will not eat from.....just like those before you had built,
amassed and had farfetched hopes, only for them to wake up and find their
houses as graveyards, their hopes had deceived them and their wealth of
no use to them. Similarly, Ali Ibn Abu Taleb (RA) cautioned: "I fear two
things for you multiple hopes and inclining to your own whims (or
fancies), the former makes mankind forget the hereafter while the latter
hinders and repels the truth. While Abu Dharr (RA) said that the best of
people is one who renounces the world and the worst of them is he who
collects from the world in excess of what is enough for him. Elsewhere, the prophet, while cautioning against excessive hopes and desires said: "Desire for the world leads to excessive worry and sorrow, while renouncing it leads to lightening of the mind and body. It is not poverty I fear for you but rather, I fear for you the wealth that bares open the world (and its glitters) like it happened before you and then you become selfish like they did, leading you to your destruction like it did to those before you. In the commentary of the textual hadith above, by Imam Muhammad Habib ash-Shinqeety who
said "Excessive hopes are generally to be denounced except for seeking It is
reported that Umar Ibn AbdalAziz used to frequent the graveyards saying
that is his permanent residence, for he is in the world only temporarily. We pray Allah SWT curtail and restrict our worldly desires and guide us unto the straight path,amen. And Allah (SWT) knows best. Maasalam. AGH. Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. |